Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentine Trees

I love Pinterest! It is the most fantastic idea website EVER.  The one that most recently inspired me was a valentine tree. It was very easy so the kids and I decided to make a few. We plan on giving them to their teachers at school and we hope it makes them smile.

You will need the following supplies:
  • Colored card stock
  • Tape
  • Heart shape paper cutter
  • Hot glue gun and glue

First cut out the tree. I used yarn, tied it to an ink pen and then drew a quarter of a circle on the card stock. Roll the tree together and tape the seam.

Heat up your glue gun. I think a glue gun for women is like duct tape for men.

Cut out a couple sheets of hearts. In this example we went with red and an “I love school” theme. We bought the themed paper at Hobby Lobby when it was on sale. The school theme was just right for their teachers.  If you have words on your heart make sure you cut them out upside down.

Next put a dab of glue on the point of the heart. You will be placing them on the tree upside down. Begin lining the hearts along the bottom of your tree base. You can place them as close or as far apart as you like.  Work your way up the tree.

When finished set them on the table as is or you can find a candle stick or vase (as we did) to set them on, giving them a bit of height. We found the tall cylinder vases at Target and filled them with Hershey kisses! You could also use M&Ms, Nerds, gum drops …..

I’m already thinking of other fun holidays for which we can make these trees. The ideas are endless. The website that had this great idea also used homemade garland to wrap around the trees. I went for quickness and did not do garland.

Thanks to igottacreate blog for their wonderful idea. So glad someone pinned it for me to see.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!  I hope you are inspired.


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